Clik Extra 5Ltr

Clik Extra 5Ltr


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CLiK Extra Spray-On is for the protection of sheep, either off-shears or with any length wool, against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina) for up to 29 weeks.

CLiK Extra Spray-On is also for the protection of mulesing and marking wounds on sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina) during the wound healing process.

Active Ingredient: Dicyclanil @ 65g/L

  • Contains the active ingredient Dicyclanil.
  • Extra strong formulation (30% extra dicyclanil compared to CLiK).
  • Extra-long protection (up to 29 weeks).
  • Extra protection against breech strike.
  • Extra protection against resistance.
  • Prevents body strike.
  • Prevents breech strike.
  • Prevents poll strike.
  • Protects marking wounds.
  • Protect mulesing wounds.
  • Application at any wool length.
  • 3-month wool WHP.
  • 21-day meat WHP.
  • 63-day ESI

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