Di-Vetelact OriginalDV 375g

Di-Vetelact OriginalDV 375g


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Maintain your pets’ overall health with Di-Vetelact OriginalDV. This milk replacer and nutritional supplement is low in lactose for easy digestion and a high source of calcium. Can be used as a milk replacer for orphaned and early weaned animals. For older ones, Di-Vetelact OriginalDV can be used either in powder or liquid form. Offers added nutrition during pregnancy, lactation, and illness.

 It is scientifically formulated with the optimum crude ratios of fatty acids, important amino acids and 13 high quality vitamins and 12 minerals. Look after your animals with confidence with Di-Vetelact Australia’s first scientifically formulated animal milk replacer and nutritional supplement.


Ingredients: Di-Vetelact® Special low lactose dairy blend (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, cream, and milk solids), Dried vegetable oils, glucose solids, maltodextrin, sucrose, lecithin and emulsifiers, mixed tocopherols.

Vitamins, Minerals and Other: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Vitamin C, Taurine, Vitamin E, Iron, Vitamin B3, Zinc, Vitamin A, Pantothenate, Vitamin D3, Copper, Vitamin B12, Vitamin K1, Vitamin B2, Manganese, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Iodine, Folate, Biotin, Selenium.

  • Di-Vetelact is designed as a milk replacer for orphaned and early weaned animals
  • Low in lactose
  • Contains thirteen vitamins and twelve minerals
  • Contains all essential amino acids required for normal growth and developed and rich in fatty acids
  • Great nutritional supplement for older animals and is nurturing in times of stress
  • Composition is design to closer match composition of mother’s milk
  • Provides nutritional support for mother and babies through pregnancy and lactation
  • Provides revitalising nutritional support for show and performance animals
  • Supports animals recovering from surgery

Storage: Store opened product in a sealed, dry and cool location. For best results, used product within one month of opening.


Feeding guide: Use the Di-Vetelact scoop supplied, 20mL Di-Vetelact Scoop = 9 grams powder

  • Add one scoop to 60mL of warm water.
  • For 1 Litre: add fifteen scoops (135g to 900mL)


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