Baycox for Piglets and Cattle 250ml

Baycox for Piglets and Cattle 250ml


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Baycox Coccidiocide is an easy-to-use, single-dose, oral treatment for the control of coccidiosis in piglets and young cattle. Coccidiosis is a major cause of diarrhoea, dehydration, loss of appetite, poor growth and occasional mortality in piglets between 3-4 weeks of age. Typically occurring in cattle less than a year old, coccidiosis causes diarrhoea which is often blood stained. Recently weaned calves are susceptible to outbreaks of clinical disease.

Active Ingredient: Toltrazuril @ 50g/L


  • Contains the active ingredient Toltrazuril.
  • A convenient single oral dose for easy administration – follow-up treatment is usually not necessary.
  • Kills all coccidia development stages.
  • Long-acting to suppress oocyst excretion over 42 days.
  • Treatment and prevention of clinical coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii, in cattle up to 9 months.
  • Efficacy is independent of the severity of the infection.
  • Does not impair natural immunity development.
  • Both curative and preventative to ensure the production of high-value replacements.
  • Attacks all stages of the parasite in the animal.


  • Store below 30 degrees Celsius (room temperature) in the closed, original container, as cool as possible.



  • Do not re-treat calves for 75 days after the last treatment.
  • Do not treat piglets later than 8 days of age.


General Directions:


  • In the case of diarrhoea in neonatal piglets, obtain a veterinary diagnosis of coccidiosis before using this product.
  • Clinical coccidiosis of piglets appears in piglets from 5 to 30 days of age.
  • Control of the disease is most effective when Baycox is given as a preventive before intestinal damage occurs and diarrhoea begins.


  • In the case of diarrhoea in calves, obtain a veterinary diagnosis of coccidiosis before using this product.
  • Early treatment of calves as soon as the diagnosis is obtained will prevent further intestinal damage in affected animals and prevent infection of the herd.
  • To obtain a maximum benefit on farms with a history of coccidiosis, Baycox should be given approximately one week before the expected onset of clinical signs.
  • Treatment of newly weaned calves during milk withdrawal will control coccidiosis associated with weaning.


Safety Directions:

  • When using the product, wear rubber gloves.
  • After each day’s use, wash your gloves.


Withholding Periods

MEAT (Pigs) – DO NOT USE less than 70 days before slaughter for human consumption.

MEAT (Cattle) – DO NOT USE less than 56 days before slaughter for human consumption.

MILK (Cattle) – DO NOT USE in lactating or pregnant cows where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption


EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) (Cattle): DO NOT slaughter for export for 75 days after last treatment


Bayer Baycox for Cattle and Piglets SDS

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