Coopers Blowfly & Lice Jetting Fluid – 5L

Coopers Blowfly & Lice Jetting Fluid – 5L


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Coopers Blowfly and Lice Jetting Fluid contains highly effective Ivermectin to treat and prevent blowfly strike for up to 12 weeks.  This jetting fluid rapidly knocks down maggots on struck sheep and maintains efficiency even in moderate rainfall.

Lice can also be controlled in sheep with long wool when applied by hand jetting. This reduces irritation for sheep ensuring optimal health to get the most out of your animals.

  • Contains highly effective Ivermectin 16g/L
  • Treat lice in long woolled sheep
  • Protects long woolled sheep against strike for up to 12 weeks (under low – moderate fly pressure)
  • Efficiency is not affected by moderate rainfall

Withholding Periods:

  • Meat: do NOT use less than 7 days before slaughter for human consumption
  • Sheep milk: do NOT use in lactating sheep or within 28 days of lambing where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption.

SDS – Coopers Blowfly and Lice Jetting Fluid

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