Baycox Poultry 1L (Expiry 04/2025)


Baycox Poultry 1L (Expiry 04/2025)

Original price was: $275.00.Current price is: $260.00.



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Baycox Poultry Coccidiocide Solution is for treating and controlling coccidiosis in chickens caused by Eimeria species. Baycox Coccidiocide contains Toltrazuril, an active constituent that destroys all intracellular stages of the pathogen’s life cycle in the intestine without impairing the chicken’s ability to acquire lifelong natural immunity against coccidia.

Coccidiosis is one of the more common and costly diseases in poultry. Infected birds may stop eating, but they will continue to drink, so Baycox Poultry is administered as a water medication. Baycox Poultry offers a unique formulation that differs considerably from other coccidiosis, including an ingredient that makes it unpalatable for animal species other than poultry.


  • Contains the active ingredient Toltrazuril.
  • Works against all important Eimeria species and intracellular stages of coccidian.
  • Compatible with most commonly-used feed additives and medicants.
  • Does not interfere with the development of stable immunity.
  • A water-based treatment is the preferred treatment regime for coccidiosis for easy administration.
  • Fast and effective control to minimise economic losses.
  • High safety margin. It does not reduce feed and water intake or depress growth rate and feed conversion.

Baycox is added to the drinking water of chickens for the treatment and control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species, including Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria maxima. Begin treatment with Baycox Poultry Coccidiocide Solution as soon as coccidiosis confirmed.


Restraint: Do not treat replacement pullets more than twice.

Baycox Poultry Coccidiocide Solution is diluted at the rate of 3 litres per 1000 litres of drinking water (3:1000). It is administered on 2 consecutive days with an 8-hour treatment period on both days. Ensure full lighting conditions during treatment. Do not withhold feed during treatment. Add the required amount of Baycox to the amount of water consumed in an 8-hour period and stir thoroughly. Allow for varying water consumption during hot weather. Treat the birds for 8 hours each day for 2 days (2×8 hour treatments). No other source of drinking water should be available to birds during the 8-hour treatment period. If required, treatment may be repeated after 5 days.

Broiler Preventive Programme: To use Baycox Poultry Coccidiocide Solution as a coccidiosis preventive in broiler production, give Baycox as above on days 9 and 10, 16 and 17, and 23 and 24 of life. Do not use a coccidiostat in the feed. Additional treatment may be necessary after 35 days of age but not within 14 days of slaughter.

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