Maldison 50 250ml

Maldison 50 250ml


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Pharmachem Maldison 50 250mls 

An Insecticidal Concentrate for the control of Lice, Fleas, Brown Dog Tick, Sarcoptic Mange, Poultry Mites, Lice & Fowl Tick, Fly & Mosquito control.

Pharmachem Maldison 50 can be applied to a range of animals including horses, pigs, cattle, poultry, dogs and cats.



Product Benefits:

  • PHARMACHEM MALDISON 50 controls flies in areas such as dairies, stables, rubbish dumps and piggeries.
  • When using PHARMACHEM MALDISON 50 to treat dogs and cats for fleas and lice, saturate pet thoroughly. Repeat application in seven days.
  • Use residue for treating bedding and kennel areas, also areas where fleas might breed – i.e. under the house.
  • Active Ingredients: 500g/L
PHARMACHEM MALDISON 50 is an organo-phosphorous anti-cholinesterase compound that attacks the central nervous system of parasites – i.e. Mosquitoes, Lice, Poultry Mites, Fowl Tick, Dog Fleas, Brown Dog Tick and Sarcoptic Mange.



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