Virbac Cydectin LA Injectable for Sheep 550ml

Virbac Cydectin LA Injectable for Sheep 550ml


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Cydectin Long-Acting Injection for Sheep has been formulated to treat and control of roundworms, nasal bot and itch mite in sheep.

Active Ingredient: Moxidectin @ 20g/L

  • Not less than 91 days persistent activity against barber’s pole worm and small brown stomach worm
  • Up to 49 days persistent activity against black scour worm Up to 4 months protection against severe challenge by barber’s pole worm
  • Recommended for highly contaminated pastures
  • Nasal bot control
  • Itchmite control
  • Provides at least 91 days persistent activity against barber’s pole worm and small brown stomach worm
  • Provides up to 49 days persistent activity against black scour worm
  • Ideal for use where paddock larval burdens are high, or where animal immunity levels are expected to be low (e.g. lactating ewes and merino weaners).


Withholding Periods:

Meat: 91 days

Milk: Do not use in female sheep which are producing, or may in the future produce, milk, or milk products for human consumption

ESI: 133 days


Restraints: Cydectin LA Injection for sheep is not recommended for use in goats a safety and efficacy has not been evaluated.

Re-Treatment Interval:  Sheep must not be retreated for at least 91 days after administration

Storage: Store below 30 degrees and protect from light.

For improved sustainability use Cydectin Long-Acting Injection for Sheep concurrently with a drench from another chemical group.


Virbac Cydectin LA Injection SDS

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