Piranha Sheep Dip 1Lt (A*)

Piranha Sheep Dip 1Lt (A*)


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Bayer Piranha Sheep Dip 1Lt (A*)

  • PIRANHA® Dip for Sheep is a new lousicide that offers 100% knockdown and control of susceptible lice (Bovicola ovis) on sheep.
  • PIRANHA® Dip contains the neonicotinoid insecticide Thiacloprid. Thiacloprid is a member of the same insecticidal group as Imidacloprid, the active ingredient in Avenge® Pour-on Lousicide for Sheep. Once lice are exposed to this class of insecticides, rapid nervous system stimulation occurs followed by paralysis and death. It is quick acting, killing lice ‘on contact.’
  • PIRANHA® has many features that will benefit sheep producers and dipping contractors alike.
  • PIRANHA® is designed for plunge and cage dips as a short wool lousicide. It is easy to prepare and manage, is non-stripping and an ideal alternative to organophosphate dips.

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