Have recent rains grown an enthusiastic and super healthy crop of weeds around your property? We can help with spraying tools to make your life easier.
The greatest benefit of spraying is of course the way it wipes out weeds quickly, relative to whipper snipping or hand weeding. However, most of us will draw on a combination of techniques to manage weeds around our properties, depending on the circumstances.
Prevention is always far better than a cure when it comes to weeds, but even when we use groundcovers to cover bare areas and cultivate a well-covered garden, a lot of us still have some areas on our properties that tend to become a wild weed festival during winter.
The size of your property and the particular areas you need to spray will determine the best spraying apparatus for your situation. We stock glyphosate in one litre and 20 litre containers as well as quality Silvan sprayers with durable reinforced hoses and adjustable nozzles in a variety of sizes. These start with small 8 litre sprayers with a shoulder strap that are pressurised by hand or 15 litre knapsack or backpack style sprayers with padded shoulder straps and a rechargeable 18-volt lithium-ion battery so there’s no need for manual pumping. Then there’s larger tank style 55 litre 12-volt sprayers that come with their own pump and sit conveniently on the back of your quad bike. Or if you have hard to reach areas to spray, we even stock Silvan 20 litre rechargeable upright trolley sprayers that come with their own 240V battery recharger and 12-volt pump.
If possible, weeds are always better sprayed while they’re small to save yourself time and chemical. And of course, if rain is forecast, spray weeds at least 6 hours before the rain is due to arrive, or ideally 12 hours prior. Spraying is best done on a sunny morning (again if this is actually possible) so that the spray is absorbed quickly through the leaves over the course of the day.
Speaking of absorption, if your work boots have finally blown out and are leaving your feet wet and freezing, we can help. We stock a wide range of work boot brands and styles, including quality Australian made Mongrel and Redback work boots, as well as Blundstone boots. A selection of boots from these three brands currently come with a free pair of quality Stockpile Outback socks.
Wet feet are bad enough; however, we also recommend checking that all the hoses and fittings on your sprayer are tightly secured to avoid that highly unpleasant feeling of wet clothing soaked in chemical. We supply the super useful and durable 45-centimetre red PVC chemical gloves that keep your hands and forearms dry and away from contact with sprays. Regardless of the size of sprayer you use, we also have plastic measuring cups and jugs as well as plastic funnels on hand, with these super useful tools to enable you to measure out and pour the right amount of chemical, saving waste.
For any other weed spraying related questions, just call us on 9651 1312 or drop into our Moora or Yerecoin stores; we’re a local family-owned business and we love helping our customers.